Date01. 06. 2019 - 01. 06. 2019
RegionPardubický kraj
Price Money
OrganizerOMT z.s.

Registration Info
Race check-in
Online Registrations Open Date
Registration In CTS
Registration In Place
Open Registration in reg. system
Only offline registration in reg. system
Starting Fees
Registration In PlaceNo
Sell Day LicenceNo

Age Category
M/Ž 18 (18 - 24)3600 Kč
M/Ž 25 (25 - 29)3600 Kč
M/Ž 30 (30 - 34)3600 Kč
M/Ž 35 (35 - 39)3600 Kč
M/Ž 40 (40 - 44)3600 Kč
M/Ž 45 (45 - 49)3600 Kč
M/Ž 50 (50 - 54)3600 Kč
M/Ž 55 (55 - 59)3600 Kč
M/Ž 60 (60 - 64)3600 Kč
M/Ž 65 (65 - 69)3600 Kč
M/Ž 70 (70 - 74)3600 Kč
Track list 
1.9 - 90 - 21 km
Race serial
Team categories
Juniors 12-15
Juniors 15-19
Adults 20+
Czech Cup relay
Company relay
Age CategoryPaid
M/Ž 18 (18-24)12(11)
M/Ž 25 (25-29)56(56)
M/Ž 30 (30-34)116(114)
M/Ž 35 (35-39)142(140)
M/Ž 40 (40-44)225(221)
M/Ž 45 (45-49)136(134)
M/Ž 50 (50-54)58(55)
M/Ž 55 (55-59)23(22)
M/Ž 60 (60-64)3(2)
M/Ž 65 (65-69)3(3)
M/Ž 70 (70-74)1(1)
Organizer comments
Individual entry fee :
till 31.10.2018
3000,- Kč (llicense ČTA 2900,- Kč).

from 1.11.-31.12. 2018
3300,- Kč (license ČTA 3200,- Kč).

from 1.1.-20.5.2019
3600,- Kč (license ČTA 3500,- Kč).

Members of ČTA (Czech Triathlon Association) with valid licence for 2018 or 2019 have a discount from the entry fee 100,- CZK.

THE APPLICATION IS VALID WHEN THE PAYMENT IS ADDED TO IT. Decisive for the amount of starting fee is the date on which the payment is credited to the organizer's bank account.
The organizer reserves the right to cancel the registration, which will not be linked to the payment within 3 working days (does not apply to foreign payments)!

Transferring the already paid registration to another person is free of charge only until 28.2. 2019! From 1.3.2019 already with a fee.

In case of cancellation of registration:
until 28.2.2019 organizer returns 75% of starting fee
until 31.3.2019 organizer returns 50% of starting fee
from 1.4.2019 organizer will not return any amount of starting fee

Cancellation or transfer does not take place automatically, if you wish to cancel or cancel the registration please write to: registrace@czechman.cz

Registration form will include option to buy:

1) T-shirt MIZUNO with motive "I'm training for CZECHMAN Triatlon 2019" in men's and women's cut. Price is 20€ (including postage).
Original training T-shirt CZECHMAN 2019 here.

2) CZECHMAN TRAINING CAMPS - Weekend training camp for discounted price 2499 CZK (100€).
CAMP DATES are here.

For Training CAmp reservation please contact us on: trenink@czechman.cz

Bank account number : 107-4849380207/0100
IBAN CZ3401000001074849380207
BIC swift kod banky: KOMBCZPPXXX

Komerční banka a.s.
Na Příkopě 33
Praha 1
110 00